Sunday, November 26, 2006

I belive in fairy tales

Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderela. She was sort of like the girls in "las novelas" today; she came from a "bario", the bario was called Ferentari- but not from the part with no electricity :she was a girl who paid her bills-, she had long bond-dyed- hair and "masliniu" complexion. She was diferent from all the other girls in the "bario"- she had great expectations- she had finished a "ucenici" school and now was working at a beauty salon-"Lucica`s hair styling"- near the "Obor piata".
In the other part of the town, near Piata Chibrit, there lived a Price Charming named Hasan. Hasan was a prosper investor who had a "shawomeria" also near the Obor Piata.One day...
to be continued

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